Tree Planting

Mapscape - Tree Planting Design layout

Tree Planting, Establishment and Project Costing

Design tree and woodland planting layouts, with annual establishment plans as stand-alone projects, or in combination with our Tree Management and BS 5837 modules.

Mapscape works at any scale of operation and includes project re-inspection tools to produce better tree establishment rates.

Advanced technology with practical insights provides a seamless platform to support community projects, that stakeholders can easily access and collaborate on.

Mapscape is the ideal Tree Planting and Establishment choice for:

Estate Management Planning Applications
Enviromental and Social Governance (ESG)  Schools and Education
Community Woodland Projects Supporting Grant Applications
Housing Associations Sustainability Policies
Local Government – Tree Strategies Urban Forestry Projects


Optimised for Android/iOS Smartphones and Tablets that connect to your PC system for maximum efficiency and skills training.

Automated Financial Tree Management

Organisations can enhance their tree-planting success rates by using automation technology that streamlines and immediately calculates the overall tree-planting project costs at any scale.

Automated tree-planting project costing surpasses traditional manual methods, revolutionising tree-planting project investment costs, budgeting, and budget control.

See how the example spreadsheet separates the project costs for – Trees, Tree Groups or Woodlands, Hedges, Materials, Establishment and Labour to provide an overall Total.

Quickly design, tree-planting and establishment plans using digital maps that include:

  • Tree/Tree Group/Woodland/Hedge Number
  • Tree Pit (Attach the detail)
  • Method of Support
  • Size at Planting
  • Height at Planting
  • Tree Species (Compatible with TDAG Green Infrastructure Selection)
  • Site Considerations

There are additional tools for adding photos, specifying fencing layouts, positioning water bowsers including drop off points and mapping site access paths and meeting points.


Immediate Project Costing and Budget Forecasting

Mapscape - Project Cost Calculator

Improved Tree Establishment Results

Efficiently undertake tree re-inspection site visits to assess tree planting as assigned in your establishment activities and assign colour-coded work priorities to each Tree, Tree Group, Woodland or Hedge as required.

This system quickly creates a coloured-coded visual map display for quarterly reports to demonstrate to investors the success of the project over the long term.

Mapscape provides insightful automated measuring tools that include the ability to calculate the number of trees in tree groups and hedges determined by the spacing.

To help plan for trees’ spatial needs, you can view the existing tree positional layouts in other modules by switching on the relevant layer.


Carbon Calculations from New Tree Planting

In collaboration with The University of Liverpool, we are developing Carbon storage calculations to include in the Tree Planting App with Net Zero projections – Find out More.