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Mapscape Core Capabilities
- Desktop App (Windows 10 & iOS).
- Mobile App (Android & iOS).
- GPS Connectivity *1
- Account Set Up.
- Cloud-based.
- Numerical Project Management.
- Offline Mode.
- Automated Spreadsheet.
- Basemaps.
- Aerial imagery.
- Speech to Text *1
- Editable Tree Inventory.
- Access ESRI Living Atlas.
- Screen Print to PDF, JPEG, PNG & SVG.
- Draw Tools.
- Import SHP, CSV, KML, GeoJSON GPX*3.
- ESRI GIS/AutoCAD plugin compatible.
- CAD Services Pay-as-you-Go *2
- 100 ESRI Data Storage Credits.
- Automated Excel Spreadsheets
- Export to JSON, CSV, GeoJASON
*1 Mobile device and device dependant.
*2 3rd Party CAD Services.
*3. When importing File data, please note that: Uploaded *.csv files are limited to a maximum of 1,000 records, and all other supported file types are limited to 4,000. The maximum upload size is 2 MB for a shapefile and 10 MB for all other file types.
Tree Management Module
Core Capabilities PLUS
The Tree Management Module consists of two integrated modules
1. Tree Management Module
- Carbon Calculations.
- Plot and record data for: Trees, Tree Groups and Hedges.
- Tree Management can be used for:
- Tree Condition Assessment.
- Arboricultural Mortgage Reports.
- Application for Tree Works.
- Woodland Management.
- Target Zones Based on Tree Height.
- Colour Coded Work Priority system from Very Low to Very High for each Tree
2. Sign of Works Module
This enables checking that any recommended Tree Works have been satisfactorily completed using a Traffic Light system with a comments section that acts as a management tool and transferable visual display.
Tree Planting Module
Core Capabilities PLUS
- Spatial Planting Assessments.
- TDAG Tree Species Database Compatible.
- Design Planting Layouts for:
- Single Trees
- Tree Groups
- Hedges.
- Project Costing Calculator.
- Establishment Gantt Chart
- Tree Re-inspection
BS 5837 Tree Survey Module
Core Capabilities PLUS
- Carbon Calculations
- Plot and record data for:
- Trees
- Tree Groups,
- Hedges
- Tree Stumps.
- Auto Calculate Root Protection Areas (RPA).
- Set out Tree Protective Fencing.
- Draw Ground Protection.
- Draw CellWeb.
- Crate named points, lines and polygons.
3D Visualisation
3D Visualisation is in development, it will be an Optional Extra.
Details including the pricing will appear on this page as soon as available.
Works with:
- Tree Management
- BS 5837 Tree Survey
- Tree height to scale
- Target Zones and Root Protection Areas (RPAs) to Scale
- 3D Toolbox includes: Daylight, Weather Shadow Cast and Fly Controller
- Measurement
Buying Data Storage Credits
Mapscape is underpinned by ESRI where the currency of storing data on Amazon Web Services is governed by Credits
Most of the Mapscape processes do not require Credits, only when you store information such as text or photographs (which you can delete as required), do you use Credits.
We provide you with 100 free Credits to get you started and will provide you with a weekly automatic email report as to your Credit use.
You can then manage your Credits and buy in blocks of 1000 Credits directly from Mapscape as required for £167.40* (VAT free) per 1000 Credits.
There is a direct relationship between Size (storage) and credit use (2.4 credits per 10MB per month), where we estimate 8 Credits = £1.00.
*Prices are governed by ESRI and may vary
Integration with Other Applications
Tell us about your business Net Work requirements, where we can help you define your own workflow.
To support your organisational requirements, Mapscape is compatible with:
- Portal | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise – as a collaborative link.
- Government Software Solutions & Process Automation – Idox (
- Home – Open Geospatial Consortium (
- Sales Force
- Power BI
- AutoCAD
- Public Sector Geospatial Agreement
We can provide the creation of OGC services, API or an Access point – even where they don’t exist.
Please email us at with your integration questions and requirements and we will get back to you with a solution.
International Development
Mapscape is currently available in within the UK and Ireland.
We are currently working along side the UK Department for International Trade (DIT) as a R&D project involving service expansion into the United States of America (USA) on a state by state basis, including countries within the European Union.
If you are interested in working with us as a commercial reseller and support provider in the countries listed above and are trading as either:
- Geospatial and Digital Mapping Services Provider
- CAD + GIS Services Organisation
- Survey Equipment Specialists
Please Contact Us to register your interest, we look forward to hearing from you.
Mapscape users can purchase a professional range of Bluesky Mapshop compatible digital mapping products.
Mapscape tech support can upload digital maps direct to your account, to make digital mapping easy, to find out more please Contact Us
Chose from:
- HD Aerial Imagery
- National Tree Map
- Ordnance Survey Products
- National Soil Maps
- Flood Maps
To find out more, click on on the above Bluesky logo and/or phone the Bluesky Mapshop Helpdesk on: 01530 518 558