BS 5837 Tree Surveys

Overcoming BS 5837 Tree Survey Challenges

BS 5837 Software LegendMeeting tight developer deadlines for BS 5837 Tree Surveys is challenging, as delays can affect planning submissions. Mapscape software offers tools that streamline BS 5837 tree survey processes, integrate site layout plans, and efficiently enable users to produce accurate reports and tree protection plans.

Last-minute changes often require revisions to BS 5837 tree survey site plans and reports. Mapscape allows users to edit data via a mobile app or Desktop PC, quickly generate updated tree survey spreadsheets, and redraw tree protection plans within the software or using AutoCAD, ensuring timely delivery. We can also provide cost-effective third-party CAD – Support Services

Preferred BS 5837 SolutionsBS 5837 Tree Survey - Measure Area

Obtaining detailed georeferenced site plans or topographical surveys can be difficult. Mapscape integrates with Ordnance Survey Mastermap, Bluesky International National Tree Map, and/or HD aerial imagery, providing reliable tree mapping options even without client-provided site plans.

Fieldwork in rough terrain and poor weather make BS 5837 Tree Survey data collection challenging. Mapscape’s Mobile App, combined with a diameter tape and laser measure, enables efficient BS 5837 field data capture.

Mapscape enables users to collect all the BS 5837 required tree survey data for trees and hedges, which is automatically displayed in a digital mapping environment and ready to be processed into BS 5837 site plans and reports.

Simplifies BS 5837 Data Capture and Mapping
BS 5837 Tree Survey Software

Let Voice Typing Simplify Data Capture

Mapscape provides BS 5837 Tree Survey Mapping software that improves productivity by up to 40% compared to traditional methods, by streamlining field data collection into site plans with automated voice typing and spreadsheet reports.

Work efficiently between architects, developers, tree owners, and planning authorities to provide accurate scale site plans and arboricultural recommendations, including tree protection plans, to support BS 5837 Arboricultural Impact Assessments (AIA) and Method Statements.

Build a reputation for delivering high-quality work to maintain client relationships and attract new projects.

Using one collaborative digital mapping platform gives you and your team all the tools and confidence to undertake BS 5837 Tree Surveys in a modern, structured and time-saving process.

Mapscape is an efficient communication platform for any number of users to collaborate in the office, on site and from working from home.

Automated BS 5837 Spreadsheets

Using automated processes reduces the potential for error and speeds up production of BS 5837 Tree Survey spreadsheet reports, that helps arboricultural surveyors focus more on analysis and decision-making rather than administrative tasks, ultimately providing improved client services and professionalism.

Key Features:

Seamless Collaboration

  • BS 5837 Tree Survey data in an automated spreadsheet format is easy to share with team members, contractors, or clients.
  • End users can easily access all relevant information, including visual references, in one comprehensive Excel or PDF document.


  • Automating the BS 5837 Tree Survey data entry process significantly reduces the time spent manually transferring survey data into spreadsheets.
  • Photographs are automatically placed in the correct cells, eliminating the need for manual alignment or separate photo documentation.
BS 5837 Tree Survey Software- Spreadsheet
BS 5837 Carbon Sequestration

Sustainability Objectives

Aligning financial strategies with carbon storage values in BS 5837 projects not only supports sustainability objectives, but also brings tangible benefits to businesses through improved reputation, regulatory compliance, financial incentives, and enhanced stakeholder relationships.

Having all your BS 5837 Tree data arranging in one comprehensive spreadsheet with separate tabs for automated carbon sequestration, trees, groups, hedges, photos is a well organised and professional way of presenting BS 5837 Tree Survey data to end users.


Functionality for Any Scale of Development

Tree Planting

Where trees are to be removed including tree stumps and new tree, hedge and tree group planting is recommended or forms part of planning conditions, Mapscape tree planting, establishment module works with the BS 5837 Tree Survey module that enables the user to design tree planting plans and that can be switched on/off in the BS 5837 Tree Survey Layers menu.

BS 5837 Points Lines and AreasServices Layouts

How often do you receive a ‘service plan layout’ to refer to in your BS 5837 Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA)?

This toolset enables you to draw and enable the layout of overhead and underground service layouts including service points.

You can set out an existing service layout and an estimated proposed service layout and relate this to your AIA and your tree protection plan.

These tools help also mark up on the mapping interface comments about the site entrance, changes in ground level, boundary issues and reference points for storage of materials etc.